Eat, Drink & Be Merry, Out & About

“Get out of Jail for Free”

Game Nights Some of my fondest childhood memories are based around a dining table, covered in cards, snacks, presumably some dice and more often than not, a board game.  Generation X and Y, kids who grew up in an era before Instagram and doggy-filters, are no strangers to the beautiful competition that is board games.… Continue reading “Get out of Jail for Free”

Eat, Drink & Be Merry

Past Time

As I am originally not from Piet Retief myself, one of the questions that I am most frequently asked is “What do you do for fun?” I have noticed that the people that tend to ask this question is usually my friends residing in the city or new comers to the town. The latter being… Continue reading Past Time

Out & About, Travel / Adventures

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of Empuluzi River

After reading about the nearby attractions in Piet Retief I realised that there is still a lot for me to discover here. So I set out on a treasure hunt of sorts, to find (some of) the attractions I had read about. Number one on the list: Goliath’s Footprint. Stories and folklore range, from the… Continue reading Indiana Jones and the Raiders of Empuluzi River

Other, Out & About

Mall@Mfula – Piet Retief’s Own Mall

Finally, our small town has a little mall of its own. The name Mall@Mfula directly translates to Mall at the River. WHERE IS IT? If you're a local then you probably know. It's ideally located in the Central Business District of Piet Retief, and is also close to second catchment areas: Retiefville, Kempville, Harmony Park… Continue reading Mall@Mfula – Piet Retief’s Own Mall

Live & Learn, Other

12 Types of People You’ll Meet in Small Towns

We all know a few people in town who have stereotypical traits. Just about every community has them... Written with actual Piet Retiewers in mind, we aim to poke some fun at characters you are likely to meet or know in town. So grab the popcorn and have a look if you can spot yourself… Continue reading 12 Types of People You’ll Meet in Small Towns

Live & Learn, Thoughts / Opinions

16 Things I Love About Piet Retief

After high school many people run off to, what they think will be, bigger and better things in the city. Staying in a small town is undesirable for many. After all, there are no nightclubs, no malls and no big events in small towns. So what does a place like Piet Retief possibly have to… Continue reading 16 Things I Love About Piet Retief